Madagascar itineraries

Madagascar is an absolute treat to travel through, but the island is huge, and it may be hard to think about what area to visit. I want to help you plan the trip to the "Red Island." There are several itineraries with different durations that you can look at. The focus will be on finding lemurs and seeing other natural phenomena. As all of the itineraries will start and stop in Antananarivo, you can combine the smaller itineraries and make them bigger ones.


One week

For me, one week in Madagascar is not close to enough time to be here, especially coming from outside of Africa, but when you are here, entering Antananarivo, I would do this itinerary.

One Week Option 1: Classic

Classic week (almost no one goes this short) to see 2 of the best parks in the country.

Day 1: Antananarivo - Antsirabe (Lac Tritriva)

On the first day, head early to Antsirabe, where you can visit Lac Tritriva and have your first hike. Beside, you can take a stroll in the small town and see the market or the train station. The drive to here will be around 4-5 hours. 

Day 2: Antsirabe - Ranomafana

Head early to Ranomafana for 6 hours, and when you arrive in time, you can pay a visit to the hot springs or do a small hike. In the evening, you can do a good night hike to find the many different species of chameleon.

Day 3: Ranomafana 

Today is the day to have an all-day hike through the beautiful rainforest, and you can try to find the endemic golden bamboo lemur and other lemurs like the red bellied lemur, the black and white ruffed lemur (difficult), and the red-fronted brown lemur. Enjoy the amazing scenery and see waterfalls. You can do another or your first night hike as well tonight.

Dat 4: Ranomafana - Antsirabe

Maybe a small visit to the hot springs or a small hike to find some more lemurs is possible. Otherwise, head back to Antsirabe and have a stroll there. Have a relaxing afternoon/evening before heading further tomorrow.

Day 5: Antsirabe - Andasibe

Today is another driving day to the Andasibe area, where you have plenty of chances to see many lemurs. The drive is 7 hours, and you will have lunch in the Antananarivo area. Arriving in Andasibe, you can maybe do a night hike in Mitsinjo National Park to find the Goodman mouse lemur, leaf-tailed geckos, chameleons, and other animals.

Day 6: Andasibe

Head to Mantadia for a fantastic wild hike of 3 hours. You can mostly find common brown lemurs, red bellied lemurs, and black and white ruffed lemurs in this park. After the gorgeous hike, head to Analamazaotra, trying to find indris and especially diademed sifakas, and do a hike that is possible in the time left before the park closes. Another or first-night hike is possible as well tonight.

Day 7: Andasibe - Antananarivo

Start the day with a visit to VOIMMA, which is a community reserve where you have the best chances of seeing the biggest lemur in the world, the indri (see picture above). For the rest, you can see common brown lemurs and Parson's chameleons. Afterwards, head to Antananarivo in 3-4 hours and head home.


One Week Option 2: Masoala Week

This is my favorite region of Madagascar. It is slightly longer than a week, but this secluded area is a not-to-miss region. Note that you have to go from Monday to Monday, as that is the only day they fly in.

Day 1: Antananarivo - Maroantsetra

Fly one and a half hours towards the north-east to a secluded area in Maroantsetra, which is a nice village, and you can try to find the extremely red tomato frogs (see picture below) or head to the cute market. This is the place to start your perfect week.

Day 2: Maroantsetra - Farankaraina

Go up early and take the boat to Farankaraina. The 2-hour boat tour and half-hour walk are already fantastic, and the scenery is amazing. When you arrive at the place, it is even more special. The basic bungalows are located in the middle of the rainforest, close to the beach. You can do a day hike and try to find white-fronted brown lemurs and bamboo lemurs. During a night hike, you can find different nocturnal lemurs and, with a bit of luck (but good chances), find the more rarely seen aye aye. Farankaraina is the best place to find wild aye aye.

Day 3: Farankaraina - Masoala

Take a 2-hour boat tour through Antongil Bay to get to Masoala. During the trip, you can find jumping tuna and, if lucky, some dolphins. When arriving in Masoala, enjoy the amazing scenery and do one or two hikes during the day. The forest is absolutely gorgeous, and there is a real treasure going through it.

Day 4 & 5: Masoala

Do some great hikes in possibly the most beautiful park in Madagascar. The rainforest will not disappoint, and the absolute highlight of the park is spotting red-ruffed lemurs, which are endemic to this park. For the rest, you can find white-fronted brown lemurs, fantastic birds, and reptiles during the day. Make sure you also make a hike or boat ride to Tampolo Marine Reserve to do some snorkeling with colourful fish. Make sure you make at least one night hike to find Peter's mouse lemurs, the greater dwarf lemur, the Masoala sportive lemur, the Masoala woolly lemur in the coastal forest, and the lowland streaked tenrecs in the village.

Day 6: Masoala - Nosy Mangabe 

Wake up early and take a 1.5-hour boat ride to the small island of Nosy Mangabe. Look out for dolphins on the way here, and then check the island for black and white-ruffed lemurs, giant leaf-tailed geckos, birds, white-fronted brown lemurs, and reptiles. See the tombs higher on the hike. Make 2 hikes during the day and find as much as possible. Make sure to do the night hike to find Peter's mouse lemurs, the greater dwarf lemur, the greater leaf-tailed geckos, and maybe even the aye aye and a greater hedgehog tenrec.

Day 7: Nosy Mangabe - Maroantsetra

Make a morning hike on the island to find some more wildlife. After lunch, head to Maroantsetra by boat for a half-hour ride. When in Maroantsetra, you can find some more tomato frogs, relax, or check out if you want to go to Janel Park for some cultural events (hopefully present during that time).

Day 8: Maroantsetra - Antananarivo

Fly back to Antananarivo and go back home.


Two weeks 

Two weeks for me is not enough, but you get a better taste of the country and visit multiple national parks.

Two Week Option 1: Best Parks

This itinerary gives you the biggest chance to see the highlights of the country, but it can be a busy itinerary. It is the two one-week itineraries combined.

One Week Option 1 + One Week Option 2


Two Week Option 2: Classic Route, Central/South Madagascar

With this itinerary, you will see the most famous part of the country by visiting the 3 most famous national parks and having chances to see the most famous lemurs. 

Day 1: Antananarivo - Antsirabe (Lac Tritriva)

Day 2: Antsirabe - Tsaranoro Valley

Get up early, because it is a long drive today. You can stop in Ambalavao to purchase or look at some crafts. Maybe stop in Fiarantsoa for lunch and then head further to Tsaranoro Valley, where you can spend the night.

Day 3: Tsaranoro Valley - Ranohira

First, do a nice hike in the area, which can be very different. I would recommend the 5-hour chameleon hike up to the mountain and seeing beautiful parts of this surprisingly lovely area. The views and the chameleons are great, and you also have a good chance of finding ring-tailed lemurs, chameleons, and birds. Afterwards, you have to do a 4-hour drive to Ranohira, the gateway to Isalo National Park.

Day 4: Zombitse National Park

From Ranohira, it is a 1-hour drive to this small national park, consisting of dry forest and filled with birds. Hiking is pretty easy here, and that means that you can walk a lot through the forest. For lemurs, you can find Verreaux's sifakas and Zombitse sportive lemurs.

Day 5 & 6: Isalo

Isalo is a fantastic hiking place to see many different ecosystems during the days. There are great places to visit. Especially the Namaza canyon with its pools and the Cascade des Nymphs is worth visiting, although it can be a bit busy. During this hike, you may also find red-fronted brown lemurs, ring-tailed lemurs, and Verreaux's sifakas. You can also do a hike in the beautiful Canyon des Makis, but seeing lemurs there is tough.

Day 7: Ranohira - Ambalavao (Anja community reserve)

Head early towards Ambalavao, but first stop at Anja Community Reserve, the best place to find big groups of ring-tailed lemurs. There are around 11 groups of species in this park, and you can find them climbing, playing, and walking very close. There are also a lot of chameleons. Afterwards, head to Ambalavao to have short stops at a silk and paper factory before dinner.

Day 8: Ambalavao - Ranomafana (Fiarantsoa)

Head to Fiarantsoa to see the colonial old town, which has some great buildings, and you can see some cool different sides of the people here. Also see the tea plantations close to here, and then head to Ranomafana. 

Day 9: Ranomafana

Day 10: Ranomafana - Antsirabe

Day 11: Antsirabe - Andasibe

Day 12: Andasibe 

Day 13: Andasibe - Antananarivo

Day 14: Antananarivo

The last day in Madagascar can be that you have to leave soon, but if you have time, head to the Royal Hill of Ambohimanga (see picture below), an old palace of the king and queen centuries ago. It is not very big, but nice to see, and I would recommend a guide.

Two Week Option 3: North Madagascar

This 2 weeks gives you the perfect amount of time to discover the north, from Nosy Be to Diego Suarez. This is a classical route in the north.

Day 1: Antananarivo - Nosy Be

When you arrive at Antananarivo, you may have some time to see the Royal Hill of Ambohimanga (see picture above) or otherwise head to Nosy Be by flight. The drive there is too long for a 2-week itinerary.

Day 2, 3, 4 & 5: Nosy Be

This days you can start by relaxing on one of the lovely beaches on the island. There are also several activities to do around the island:

  • Snorkeling and diving (did not do this)
  • Whale watching during June to October (did not do this)
  • Snorkeling tour with whale sharks from September to December (this is absolutely the highlight of Nosy Be if you ask me) 
  • Lokobe national park - find some lemurs and Madagascar ground boa (see picture below)
  • Mont Passot
  • Go to Nosy Iranja (did not do this)

Day 6: Nosy Be - Ankarana

Head to Ankify Port and take the boat to the mainland, and from there, drive for 4 hours to Ankarana National Park. Taking a ferry in Nosy Be can take a bit longer, as the boats wait until they are full, and that can take a while. When at the park, relax and be fresh for the morning.

Day 7: Ankarana

Today is the day to enjoy the beautiful park of Ankarana. My perfect day for it is to go hiking for 4 hours after breakfast. During this hike, you can see a big hole and the iconic Tsingy, with a nice hanging bridge. You also have chances to see crowned lemurs, Sanford's brown lemurs, and 2 species of sportive lemurs relaxing in a tree. After this gorgeous hike, head back for lunch. After lunch, make a 1.5-hour visit to the bat cave to see several species of animals in the cave.

Day 8: Ankarana - Amber Mountain (Red Tsingy)

Drive north in the morning and head to the Red Tsingy, which is a small stop between Ankarana and Amber Mountain. Red Tsingy is a beautiful place to have a 1-1.5-minute stroll and be between the beautiful sandstone rocks. They are different from the other Tsingy and very much worth visiting. It can be hot, though. Relax at Amber Mountain. Total driving time will be around 4

Day 9: Amber Mountain

Today your day consists of hiking through the extremely beautiful flora of Amber Mountain National Park. Finding wildlife is rough, as the dense forest makes it rougher. The species of lemurs to find are the Sanford's brown lemur and the crowned lemur during the day. Also, you have a chance to find ring-tailed mongooses and different types of chameleons. You can visit waterfalls, lakes, and viewpoints as well.

Day 10: Amber Mountain - Diego Suarez

Drive the 1-hour drive to Diego Suarez and explore the cute colonial town throughout the day. See the old buildings in the city centre and visit local bars and restaurants. You can also relax on one of the nearby beaches near Diego Suarez.

Day 11: Emerald Sea

Make a trip to the Emerald Sea. We arranged this with our hotel, but you can also go to Ramena yourself and book a trip here. The tours go to a lovely island while you pass one of the most beautiful colored waters of the Emerald Sea. Around the island, you will do some snorkeling, where you will see many different fish. You will have lunch on the beach and relax a bit before you go back to Ramena.

Day 12: Diego Suarez - Antananarivo

Today you fly back to Antananarivo after a 2-hour flight from Diego Suarez and have a rest in Antananarivo. Make the rest of the day a relaxing one.

Day 13 and/or 14: Antananarivo

Have a relaxing day in the capital, have a lovely stroll through Antananarivo, or go see one of the nice palaces, like the Royal Hill of Ambohimanga. You can also choose to head home a day earlier or make a day trip to Andasibe (although I do not recommend it).


Three weeks

Although longer is better in this big country, with three weeks, you can get a very good taste of Madagascar. This is a common time to visit it.

Three Week Option 1: Northern and Masoala

This itinerary gives you the chance to see some relaxed areas and some of the most beautiful parks in the country. It may have a bit too much flying in these weeks.

Two Weeks Option 2 +  One Week Option 2


Three Week Option 1: Classic and Masoala

This itinerary shows the best parks in Madagascar and the best options to find many different species of lemurs. This gives my personal highlights of the country, although I would go for option number 3, when you are 3 weeks in the country.

Two Weeks Option 2 +  One Week Option 1


Three Week Option 3: West and South

This is my favorite itinerary for 3 weeks. You can discover great highlights of the country, and you will find many lemurs. You can see the most classical highlights of the country. Tsingy cannot be visited for a couple of months (November to March), so I would recommend Three Week Option 1.

Day 1: Antananarivo - Antsirabe (Lac Tritriva)

Day 2: Antsirabe - Morondava 

Today you leave early because you have to ride for around 10 hours to the west coast of Madagascar. You will have breakfast and lunch during the drive. Hopefully you arrive in Morondava in the late afternoon, so you can have a short swim in the sea, a nice stroll in the lovely village, or have a nice dinner.

Day 3: Morondava - Tsingy de Bemaraha

Unfortunately, today is another driving day of 8 hours. You will stop for lunch, and I would recommend doing that at Mad Zebu, which is one of the most famous restaurants in Madagascar, and they serve very good food. At the end of the afternoon, you will arrive in Bekopaka, the gateway to Tsingy de Bemaraha. It may be convenient to already talk to a guide about the trip.

Day 4 & 5: Tsingy de Bemaraha

There are 2 hikes you have to do these days. One will be the combination of the small Tsingy and the Manambolo River, while the other one is the Grande Tsingy. If you have only one full day here, I would recommend doing the Grande Tsingy, although you have to climb as well. During the hikes, you can find Decken's sifakas and Rufous brown lemurs during the day, and during a night hike, Peters mouse lemurs and chameleons.

Day 6: Tsingy de Bemaraha - Kirindy Forest

Today is another driving day back to Morondava, but after lunch (which can be again in Mad Zebu), you will get to Kirindy Forest, and you can hope to find the fossa (unfortunately often at the ecolodge). In the evening, you can do a night hike to find nocturnal lemurs like pale forked-marked lemurs, grey mouse lemurs, and red-tailed sportive lemurs, and if lucky, even more.

Day 7: Kirindy Forest - Morondava (Avenue des Baobabs)

Today you first have a day hike in Kirindy Forest, and you will walk for 3–4 hours in the dry forest, hoping to find birds, Verreaux's sifakas, and red-fronted brown lemurs. Drive for 2 hours to Morondava while making 2 short stops with the sacred baobab and the Baobabs in love. Have lunch in Morondava and later head a bit back to Avenue des Baobabs and take your time to see the extremely gorgeous sight of the trees at sunset.

Day 8: Morondava - Antsirabe

Today there is a long drive, as you already did before, so relax in your car during this 10-hour ride. 

Day 9: Antsirabe - Tsaranoro Valley

Day 10: Tsaranoro - Ranohira

Day 11: Zombiste 

Day 12 & 13: Isalo

Dat 14: Ranohira - Ambalavao (Anja Community Reserve) 

Day 15: Ambalavao - Ranomafana (Fiarantsoa)

Day 16: Ranomafana

Day 17: Ranomafana - Antsirabe

Day 18: Antsirabe - Andasibe

Day 19: Andasibe

Day 20: Andasibe - Antananarivo

Day 21: Antananarivo 


Three Week Option 4: North

This is a perfect option if you want to go by car from Antananarivo all the way to Diego Suarez in the north. You make a stop in a fantastic park called Ankarafantsika, which is otherwise difficult to visit. It contains a lot of driving at first but is more relaxed later. You have time to put Andasibe in as well.

Day 1: Antananarivo

Have a relaxed start in Antananarivo, as tomorrow is a big driving day. If you have time, you can also visit a palace, a market, or take a stroll in the city.

Day 2: Antananarivo - Ankarafantsika

Get up early to drive to the north with a 10-hour drive. There will be some good views along the way, but it won't be the best day of your trip.

Day 3: Ankarafantsika

Today you have the whole day for hikes, and I would recommend a hike in a dry forest with many species of lemur, combining with the fantastic canyon in the morning. After lunch, make a hike around the lake, and you may find nile crocodiles. In the evening, you can go on a night hike and find nocturnal lemurs and other wildlife. There are 8 species of lemurs (both diurnal and nocturnal), and you can find them all on the same day (I found 7 of them).

Day 4: Ankarafantsika - Antsohihy

Drive around 6-8 hours to Antsohihy and have a relaxed time in the city. These 2 days are mostly travel days to get to Nosy Be, but you have to enjoy the views.

Day 5: Antsohihy - Ankify

Again, mostly a travel day, but in the afternoon, you can have a swim or relax in Ankify and go to bed early to have the most time in Nosy Be.

Day 6: Ankify - Nosy Be

Head to the chaotic Ankify port to go to Nosy Be by ferry, and then have a relaxing day in Nosy Be. You will have enough time here to do activities.

Day 7, 8, 9 & 10: Nosy Be

Day 11: Nosy Be - Ankarana

Day 12: Ankarana 

Day 13: Ankarana - Amber Mountain

Day 14: Amber Mountain

Day 15: Amber Mountain - Diego Suarez

Day 16: Emerald Sea

Day 17: Diego Suarez - Antananarivo

Day 18: Antananarivo - Andasibe

Day 19: Andasibe

Day 20: Andasibe - Antananarivo

Day 21: Antananarivo


Four/Five/Six weeks

This amount of time makes sure you can see a lot of this fantastic island. You can visit all parts and see as many places as you want. You can combine the already talked about itineraries to have the best time in the country. 


Seven weeks

This is my perfect itinerary for Madagascar, as you can visit almost every highlight of the country. I understand this is a long time, but when you have it, go for it. This is my ultimate itinerary of the places I have seen. Make sure that you check that Tsingy de Bemaraha is open (closed from November to March) and that there is no cyclone season in the Masoala area (January to April) and adjust your itinerary to these weather conditions.

Day 1: Antananarivo - Antsirabe (Lac Tritriva)

Day 2: Antsirabe - Morondava 

Day 3: Morondava - Tsingy de Bemaraha

Day 4: Tsingy de Bemaraha (Small Tsingy + Manambolo river)

Day 5: Tsingy de Bemaraha (Grande Tsingy)

Day 6: Tsingy de Bemaraha - Kirindy Forest

Day 7: Kirindy Forest - Morondava (Avenue des Baobabs)

Day 8: Morondava - Antsirabe

Day 9: Antsirabe - Tsaranoro Valley

Day 10: Tsaranoro Valley - Ranohira

Day 11: Zombitse

Day 12: Isalo (Namaza canyon)

Day 13: Isalo (Canyon des Maki & Canyon des Rats)

Day 14: Ranohira - Ambalavao (Anja Community Reserve)

Day 15: Ambalavao - Ranomafana (Fiarantsoa)

Day 16: Ranomafana

Day 17: Ranomafana - Antsirabe

Day 18: Antsirabe - Andasibe

Day 19: Andasibe

Day 20: Andasibe - Antananarivo

Day 21: Antananarivo - Ankarafantsika

Day 22: Ankarafantsika

Day 23: Ankarafantsika - Antsohihy

Day 24: Antsohihy - Ankify

Day 25: Ankify - Nosy Be

Day 26: Nosy Be (whale shark tour when in season)

Day 27: Nosy Be

Day 28: Nosy Be (Lokobe national park)

Day 29: Nosy Be

Day 30: Nosy Be - Marojejy

Day 31 Marojejy (I have not been here, but should be great)

Day 32: Marojejy - Sambava (I have not been here, but good for vanilla)

Day 33: Sambava - Ankarana

Day 34: Ankarana

Day 35: Ankarana - Amber Mountain

Day 36: Amber Mountain

Day 37: Amber Mountain - Diego Suarez

Day 38: Emerald Sea

Day 39: Diego Suarez - Antananarivo

Day 40: Antananarivo - Maroantsetra

Day 41: Maroantsetra - Farankaraina

Day 42: Farankaraina - Masoala

Day 43: Masoala

Day 44: Masoala

Day 45: Masoala - Nosy Mangabe

Day 46: Nosy Mangabe - Maroantsetra

Day 47: Maroantsetra - Antananarivo

Day 48: Antananarivo

Day 49: Home

Add to the itinerary

I think that these itineraries cover the most important sights of Madagascar. You can always stay longer in a place (Masoala week is difficult) to have more hikes in a certain place. You can also visit Tulear, Ile Saint Marie, and Berenty National Park, but I think these are far and away better than the itinerary I provided. I haven't been there, so maybe I am wrong.

If you want to know more about Madagascar, check out:

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